
Upping the game on livestreaming

Last night, in the very good company of Karl Fury and Rob Snyder, I did a live-streamed show that was -- from the audience's point of view -- less than successful. There was a fair amount of video-stuttering and re-buffering, and I'm sorry that (at least) some people had a less than satisfactory experience. It's worth taking a minute to consider why, and examine some alternatives. The fact is that no live performer can accurately predict what is going to happen when a live stream goes up. There are too many variables (we'll get to those in a minute). Why? Much


Making OP-1 samples the easy way

There's a lot of confused (and confusing) information online about making OP-1 samples. They have to be 16-bit mono AIF files with a sample rate of 22050 hz. ffmpeg is a sort of Swiss Army knife for media conversion. Here's how you use it to make an OP-1 sample out of any audio file : ffmpeg -i your-input-file.wav -ss 0 -t 6 -c:a pcm_s16le -ac 1 -ar 22050 your_sample_file.aif This grabs the first 6 seconds of your input file and turns it into an OP-1 sample. If you want a different timespan, specify the start time in seconds with -ss , and the length with -t (s