
New release from Walmort Portrait Studio

Big Steve and Binky are proud to announce a new release from Walmort Portrait Studio. You can find it here: Gym Class, by WPS2 track album Kunaki: http://kunaki.com/Sales.asp?PID=PX00S17ZLNFB: https://www.facebook.com/walmortportraitstudio The album was produced entirely over the Internet. Source recordings were made from improv sessions done via JamKazam between Indianapolis, IN, and Ithaca, NY. Mixing was done collaboratively using JamKazam for audio (using matching Grado SR-80 headphones) and Zoom for screensharing. We hope you enjoy


Tilman Robinson

Tilman Robinson does some really interesting stuff. Here's a writeup from ACL . You can also find a lot of his music on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC27yUEvxxXE1QYsmGxmBUkQ Tilman Robinson ~ CULTURECIDETilman Robinson’s CULTURECIDE asks all the right questions, without providing answers. The album asks why we’ve allowed so many bad things to go on for so long: colonialism, climate ch…

Quick and dirty lighting for livestreams

[ Note: a complete guide the rest of the resources I offer on livestreaming, and some by others, is here ] First, figure out what you want things to look like.  Let me say that again.  First, figure out what you want things to look like. It really helps to have a goal in mind when you start. The formidable Ken Palmer has assembled a photo gallery of good and bad examples of performer lighting.   Look at it.  Also, look around the net for videos and stills that you like.  Think about how they framed the shot, and what you’d like your show to look lik