
Some hacks for using OBS with JamKazam

I need to start with some disclaimers. What I'm about to describe works on a Mac M1 mini with the current release of JamKazam (as of 12 March 2022). It uses about 50% of CPU, so you'll have to judge for yourself whether your Mac has enough oomph to get the job done. It is also impossible to know how or if JamKazam will change its video subsystem in the future. The audio-routing hack also depends on having an audio interface that makes the output of the JamKazam session available on an analog output (I use a Zoom U44). By way of background, I do live electro-music str


Setting up an rtmp streaming relay for use with Bandcamp (or maybe to roll your own restream.io)

This is probably the solution to a problem that exactly three other people in the Universe have, but I thought I’d write it down for their benefit ;).   You might also be able to use it to roll your own restream.io.  I suspect you’d need a pretty powerful machine to do that, but perhaps not. The problem was this:  as documented elsewhere, I use an ATEM mini-Pro as the switcher for doing livestream shows. It has only one H.264 encoder, so whatever bitrate you use for streaming is the bitrate it uses for recording.   When I was using Twitch as the delivery point


Mea culpa: JamKazamery pt 2

Well, that was embarrassing. On Saturday night, Mr. Karl Fury and I did a streaming concert, using JamKazam to play together, sending the whole thing out via electro-music.com. Or so I thought.  Others didn’t agree -- people in the electro-music chat room kept saying they couldn’t hear the guitar, and I kept saying, no, Karl’s guitar often doesn’t sound like a guitar.  And then when I went to listen to the recording the next day, it turned out that, so far as everyone but Karl and me was concerned, I’d done an intriguingly minimalistic solo concert. No. Guita

Bio, press, online presence

Tom Bruce is an electronic musician and sound designer working in Ithaca, NY. He plays a variety of hardware and software (primarily iPad-based) synthesizers Tom performs solo and in some notable collaborations: DFLT, with James Spitznagel BeardFarm, with Karl Fury Walmort Portrait Studio, with Charles Shriner. High Anxiety Cabaret, with Rob Snyder Tom has appeared at the Northeast Electro-music Festival (NEEMFest), at Mountain Skies in Black Mountain/Asheville NC, at EEEMFest (in Rutherford, NJ), and at the Cosmic Crossings series in the Princeton/


Upping the game on livestreaming

Last night, in the very good company of Karl Fury and Rob Snyder, I did a live-streamed show that was -- from the audience's point of view -- less than successful. There was a fair amount of video-stuttering and re-buffering, and I'm sorry that (at least) some people had a less than satisfactory experience. It's worth taking a minute to consider why, and examine some alternatives. The fact is that no live performer can accurately predict what is going to happen when a live stream goes up. There are too many variables (we'll get to those in a minute). Why? Much


Remote music blogathon: part 1

Here in the online realm of the socially distant, there’s a lot of discussion about setting up live performances via the network, and about a jillion questions about gear and techniques and whatnot.  I thought I’d try to at least gather them in an orderly way. I don’t know nearly as much as some (most?) of you do, but I used to make my living organizing information, so this is an attempt at working through stuff in an orderly way. It’ll be greatly improved by your comments and suggestions, both as to the details and as for topics you'd like to see covered.  So p


A little late to the party….

... .with today's Sunday-listening post, maybe because I was hoping you'd be listening to BeardFarm on electro-music.com, and maybe because I was, y'know, practicing for that. Nevertheless, here's some interesting techno: The Top 7 Mixes of February 2020 | Telekom Electronic BeatsIn this column we shine a light on seven mixes that deserve your attention this month; seven mixes that you may otherwise have missed in the ever-roiling sea of musical uploads. From superstar DJs to…


JamKazamery, once more

[ absolutely no doubt in my mind that these instructions are somehow incomplete, or misleading in certain circumstances, or I missed something.  Corrections and questions in the comments will be answered as promptly as I can manage] For the last several days, in the company of exceptionally generous humans Charles Shriner and Karl Fury, I’ve been experimenting with JamKazam (JK), and with methods of streaming audio from a JamKazam session out via an Internet radio station (in our case, electro-music.com).  It has been a rough ride, partly because JK has been up and


Political art

I wrote and performed this about a year and a half ago. Listening to it now, I'm reminded that : Political art is really, really easy to do, but unimaginably hard to do well. Offhand I can only think of three or four successful practitioners -- Brecht, Joe Strummer, Woody Guthrie, Dylan ( people who think that being child-like is effective political art don't count, and most folk music shares two chords and one metaphor). I'd give myself a C+ on this, exceptThis is a live recording that really should have been reworked as a studio piece because the timing issues are